We hope to keep the rules for this community short and sweet. Most of us have been writing long enough to know right from wrong, and what lines not to cross. Please be kind and respectful to each other. Keep your storylines realistic and do your research when considering a line that may be sensitive to some, as well as flag NSFW material as such. We will not, however, micromanage or ask for you to run ideas through the mod team.

That being said, our application and activity requirements are listed below:
  • In order to apply, all you need is an IC journal (no extra characters), backdated friends-locked and contact posts, and a short blurb for your character's background. Examples (1 written update & 1 scene) should be dropped off here. Upon acceptance, you are asked to intro in oaklane within one week.
  • Activity cycles run from the first through the last day of the month. You are required 1 interactive post (either in oaklane or your journal) and 1 update every cycle. We are flexible with updates and accept private entries/narratives (300+ words), community-wide plot posts, instagram pages, and other multimedia posts that give us a look into your character's life. You are responsible for submitting your activity to the tracker. Failure to do so before cut-off times will result in removal.
  • We follow the five-year rule, and your PB should be a public figure easily found via a simple google search. All writers, PBs, and characters must be above the age of 18.
  • A hiatus is granted for up to 3 weeks so long as the mods are notified via the tracker. No more than 3 can be taken in a six month period and you are required to update within 1 week of your return.
  • Activity extensions will not be granted. We feel that our update requirements are lenient enough to allow for all members to meet them within the month-long cycle. Only under extreme circumstances will an exception be considered.
  • We have a strict 3 character limit per writer. Should you want to apply a second or third character, all current characters must be fully updated prior to adds. Samples will not be necessary for additional applications, simply disclose your current character journals in the dropbox.
Rules are subject to updates as we see fit. The mod team will notify members if any changes occur.